Sponsor Badges for Social Media promotion
Make sure you are using the full resolution photo, and not the thumbnail!
Follow these steps:
(1) Click on the image
(2) A popup window with the full resolution image will show up
(3) Right-Click on that window, and choose "Save As"
If you post on Facebook tag @Israel Mobile Summit 2019 or @Mobile Summits and we'll like you back!
(Or you can include our link www.israelmobilesummit.com)
Remember that if you have also a speaker at the Summit, we also made speaker badges here
Make sure you are using the full resolution photo, and not the thumbnail!
Follow these steps:
(1) Click on the image
(2) A popup window with the full resolution image will show up
(3) Right-Click on that window, and choose "Save As"
If you post on Facebook tag @Israel Mobile Summit 2019 or @Mobile Summits and we'll like you back!
(Or you can include our link www.israelmobilesummit.com)
Remember that if you have also a speaker at the Summit, we also made speaker badges here